When I mentioned to my husband that I wanted to write an article for our clients about the Coronavirus, he asked me what I could possibly add to all the information that has recently been published. Then my friend told me that she was exposed to someone who tested positive to COVID-19, and that she is spending her quarantine period cleaning closets and cabinets, because she wanted to leave things organized for her children should something happen.
That started me thinking about the steps we could take during this uncertain time so that we are addressing the important information that our families should know. These things are relevant to share anytime, but now that everyone is home, it is a great time to get organized in case you do get sick.
While far from comprehensive, here are some topics you may want to address:
Bill Payment
- What is your bill payment system?
- If you have a checking account, who are the signers, what institution, and where is the checkbook located?
- Are there loans and/or leases outstanding, and what are the due dates and the methods of payment?
Important Documents
- Where are your insurance policies and estate documents located?
- Are your Powers of Attorney and health insurance cards readily available?
- Does your family know your wishes in terms of health interventions?
- If you have a safe deposit box, do those that are authorized to have access know where the key is located?
- How do you keep track of your passwords, and do your family members know how and where to access them?
- If you have a password manager (we will have more on this topic in a later blog post), have you shared the access information with your loved ones?
- Who are the trusted people that can help in an emergency?
- What are their roles and contact information?
Addressing each of these items will likely give rise to myriad others, as well as lots of details. But recognizing how busy our lives are, this is a great starting point. Tackle these today, and add more of the details as you can.
We hope you and your family are staying safe and are not directly impacted by the severity of this illness. If you or a loved one are ill, we send our best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery.
For those that are staying safe at home and waiting out this pandemic, we urge you to prepare and share this important information with others. A virtual tour of your home via FaceTime could be a helpful method to show others where things are located.
As for me, I am proud to report that my documents are in order, my husband and kids are properly annoyed with my instructions, and my kitchen pantry is newly cleaned.